Why this site?
To reboot an old quote from Bobby Kennedy, “Some men see things as they are, and say why. I dream of things that never were, and say why not?’” Why not a site dedicated to the promotion of the comedic arts!
Our efforts here support the belief that the various forms of humorous and comedic invention can all teach us something, even if they seem to fall a bit outside our chosen form or style of expression. There are tools, techniques, and challenges unique to each artistic form, but studying them and experimenting with cross-application of these ideas can help us grow.
ThinkingFunny.com also seeks to build particular type of community. We aspire to reach, to teach, and to foster writers who think it’s possible to write comedy that isn’t cruel. Moreover, we are here to promote works that are socially aware of injustice, inequities and those who are vulnerable.
There’s a phrase from standup comedy that kindness dictates a comic should not “punch down.” That said, we won’t shirk from speaking truth to power. But when this sword is wielded, it will take aim at bad behavior rather than the offender’s appearance or demographic traits.

The founder and director of this effort is Robb Lightfoot, an author, educator and humorist who loves to laugh. His goal in establishing this website is to gather and share tips and resources.
Robb has won The Nickie’s Prize for Humor, received an honorable mention at the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop, a top-ten finalist in the Writer’s Digest Screenwriting Competition, and been published multiple times in the Funny Times. He has years of coaching public speaking, journalism, and media.
He can be reached at robb AT thinkingfunny.com.